Making This House Our Home: Sitting Room
Ryan homes is NOT a custom builder, but they are affordable and have many options. This is why we decided to build with them for a second time. But, one of the negative things that often comes up in discussion about them is that they are "cookie cutter" and you can tell right away which homes are Ryan Homes in our area because they all have a similar characteristics. We went back and forth about saving for a CUSTOM home or getting what we need now and making it our own over time. You know what our final decision was, so we decided to share our journey going room by room over the next two years while we are make our Palermo floor plan our own with some simple "custom" touches. My only "issue" with the Palermo floor plan was that I really wanted an island that is parallel to the back cabinets, stove and fridge. I want to be able to turn right around from the stove and have the whole island behind me with the kids sitting along the back edge of the island r...